Personal Loans
We have a wide selection of personal loans tailored to your specific needs. At CSK we`ve got you covered.
KUICQ CASH FOR CIVIL SERVANTS ($20,000 – $500,000)
KUICQ CASH is perfect for Civil Servants who can have their repayments salary deducted. This loan has the lowest interest rate in our suite of products and is easy to access and can be used for any purpose.
KUICQ READY CASH ($20,000 – $500,000)
This loan is for employed persons who can make their repayments by salary deductions. This is ideal for persons who need to Kuicq Ready Cash to fund emergency expenses, repairs to motor vehicles and purchase furniture etc.
KUICQ CASH ADVANCE LOAN ($20,000 – $500,000)
The Kuicq Cash Advance Loan is designed for employed persons who may not be able to have their payments salary deducted. The quick and hassle free nature of Kuicq Cash Advance ensures it provides you with confidence when faced with an urgent need for cash.